Sunday, September 11, 2011

My very first wedding!

I'm gonna do this one in 3 or 4 different posts!

Love all of these! They were so much fun to work with!

                                                                   Much Love, Ashley!
Photography is a way of feeling, touching, & loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever... it remembers little things, long after you have.

Don't forget about the fall/ halloween minis!


Okay, i've finally made a blog! So here's my first post!
Meet this little cutie! She was so much fun to work with!
Here are a few of my favorites! 
Quote for today! 
 If you haven't had family pictures taken within the past 3 years, promise me right now that tomorrow morning, you will find someone to do it. I don't care if it's a neighbor, a portrait studio, or a tripod and a remote. Just do it. We have no guarantees in life, but at least we can have the photos to prove that we were here, we were together, and we were happy
Also! I'm offering Fall/Halloween Minis! for $30!
Please email me if your interested!
 Much Love Ashley <3